1. Be in your assigned seats when the bell rings, prepared with class binder, homework, pencil/pen and other materials.
2. Respectful language only.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to self.
4. Follow teacher instructions the first time they are given.
5. Raise your hand and wait to be called before speaking.
Rule Teaching Strategies:
The rules will be posted on the overhead projector via a PowerPoint. The students will pick a hard-copy of the rules that they will keep in the front of their class binders. I will conduct a class discussion and provide examples and non-examples. After the class discussion, I will put students into groups of two or three. They will be assigned a rule to create a role-play demonstration for the class with an example and non-example. The students will have the rest of the class period to prepare and practice their demonstrations. The following class period the students will present.
Re-Teaching Strategies:
First off, I plan to praise those students who follow the rules. When individual students are starting to disobey the rules the initial thing I would do is to remind them of the rules, verbally. If the entire class is struggling with a rule, I will provide examples and non-examples during class and additional instruction.
Informing Parents:
Parents will receive a copy of the classroom management plan through the mail during the first week of school from me. All so students will be required to have their parents sign a copy of the class syllabus handed out on the first week of school so that I can verify that the parents are aware of the expectations I have for their student. Throughout, the year I will keep in contact with student's parents by email, phone calls and notes home. Also, this website will be updated regularly with classroom activities and the rules are always posted here.
Building and Maintaining Relationships with Parents:
I plan on staring to create and maintain relationships with parents by hosting them through a school run back-to-school-night. I will sent them emails and post cards as well, as calling them in order to update their student's progress. If I feel that it is needed, I will visit parents at their home. If cultural barrier exists, I will do background research better understand their culture and make decisions only after I know what is culturally normal and acceptable.
Building and Maintaining Relationships with Students:
I plan on building and maintaining relationships with students by establishing a relationship bank from day one. I will take time to get to know the student and their interests so later on I can draw on that knowledge during the class period by commenting relating to the students interests. I want my students to feel comfortable in my classroom. I believe one way to do this is to make sure that students are constantly being praised for thier efforts. I plan on giving my students praise notes as I see fit.
Positive Consequences:
Free and Frequent:
Verbal Praise
Praise Notes
Bonus Bucks
Email or phone call home
Strong and Long Term:
Class Auction
Negative Consequences:
1. Verbal Warning
2. Loose Class Points/1 Bonus Buck
3. Communication with parents
4. Office referral
Data Collection:
Self Monitoring System:
As students earn them throughout the semester, I will hand out Bonus Bucks. It will be up my discretion to decide when student's earn them. Students will be required to keep track of their own Bonus Bucks. If they loose them, they will not be replaced. They can keep the Bonus Bucks in their classroom binders.
At the end of each semester, there will be an auction of various small items that the students will be able to bid for with their Bonus Bucks. They will be able to purchase hall passes through out the semester for 3 Bonus Bucks.